Pushing Forward for Life

Two years after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, America needs bold leadership to continue to advance the cause of life. That’s why we’re uniting as pro-life leaders across the country around a path forward that is laser-focused on care for young children and their parents. This is the next phase of the pro-life movement. This is our Blueprint for Life.

Join the movement by signing your name to the Blueprint

Blueprint Signers

  • Senator Rick Santorum

  • Governor Mike Huckabee

  • Students for Life Action

  • Americans United for Life

  • American Principles Project

  • National Hispanic Pastors Alliance

  • Live Action

  • American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs

  • Pro-Life Action League

  • Family Policy Alliance

  • Pro-Life Partners Foundation

  • Human Coalition Action

  • Heartbeat International

  • Democrats for Life

  • ProLove Ministries

  • And Then There Were None

  • Patrick Brown, Ethics and Public Policy Center

  • Catherine Glenn Foster, First Rights Global

  • Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Institute

  • Care Net

  • and more…

Our Pillars

The Blueprint for Life contains 7 main policy pillars:

  1. Providing flexible resources to parents

  2. Making childcare more affordable

  3. Supporting healthy moms and babies

  4. Expanding resources for adoptive and foster parents

  5. Increasing information availability

  6. Broadening partnerships with faith-based organizations and nonprofits

  7. Strengthening opportunities for mentorship and community

Sign on to the Blueprint